It’s time for another episode of our podcast and this time we welcome Mike Tucker from Bitmap Bureau. Their shooter game Xeno Crisis is a hit on many retro consoles like the Mega Drive, Neo Geo or Dreamcast – at the moment it is even getting ported to SNES! Listen to some new insights. The interview starts at minute 11:10…
Sarah Christina (Kitty) opened a follow-up news site for the recently defuncted VITNO:, which means a step back to its roots, as before VintageIsTheNewOld, it used to be just “CIA” (CommodoreIsAwesome) just ran by Sarah herself!
Recently on (the social media platform which got rid of its bird), they/them announced the creation of a new GB mini camera, they wrote: I reduced the overall size of the cart PCB and integrated the sensor into an all-in-one board. This has been my dream camera cart for a while including some photos for reference. Even more photos…
As VintageIsTheNewOld is shutting down, I’ve decided to resume the work on this newsportal here. Got any news? Feel free to send them to me via, thanks! 🙂
The following unboxings and reviews have been uploaded to youtube now: Evercade: SID Chip Club: SNES Mini unboxing:
FREEZE64 issue 35 and back issues available now from: Issue 35 has Who Dares Wins as the cover story and a free Who Dares Wins sticker. There’s Julian Rignall’s ZZAPBACK, interviews, POKES, cheats and the Secret Squirrel. FUSION issue 10 and Amstrad CPC special available now from: Issue 10 of FUSION covers games with dragons in, Action Force…
In the world of retro reproductions, the Commodore 128 is the red-headed stepchild, with the least attention from enthusiasts. That is, until now! Johan Grip joins AJ and Joerg to talk about the C128 Neo, a replica PCB designed to help preserve these vintage machines. (interview starts at 13:40)
they write: “our #Merman has a look at the new bobr games: unboxing & gameplay”
@Nafcom takes a look at latest strategy game #Autonauts by industry veteran @GaryPenn ! It combines a lot we veteran players know from the 90s and adds so much more to it! 🙂 Enjoy!
They wrote: Our editor Andrew Fisher has a look at the TheC64 also known as C64 Maxi by unboxing it and reviewing as well! (Including a firmware update) Enjoy! 🙂 Also listen to our TheC64 interview with Darren Melbourne at