C64.TV has been relaunched, thanks for the help of our contributor Juergen who also is with his family at Gamescom with our booth stuff, and the final small adjustments have been done on the server site by our great hoster scene.org! πŸ™‚

Since some changes beyond our control in last December, that had rendered the website partly broken, which we took as a chance to do the long overdue relaunch with a more lightweight theme, less plugins (the frame of what is allowed nowadays changed due to the GDPR in May 2018 anyway), so the website should load significantly faster for you now! πŸ™‚

So expect more news coming to this news portal very soon again πŸ™‚


  • Ken Gagne
    Posted 25. March 2019 1:41 0Likes

    Welcome back! If you ever have any WordPress questions, feel free to hit me up πŸ™‚

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