Hot for you and just released Scene World #28 this time with interviews with Dennis Pauler, John Chowning, David John Pleasance, Christian Spanik, great articles by former Hugi staffer Lars Sobiraj, and also reports by Andrew Burch, Boris Kretzinger, Martin Ahman, Andrew Fisher and of course as always part 4 of Richard Bayliss’ game coding tutorial with a bonus game…
Patrick Patul announced on his twitter, that he will be streaming c64 diskmags live today. The stream will be at 8 PM CEST today: his YouTube Channel
News was supplied by Magic over Facebook One of the biggest “all-time-members” groups in the c64 scene “Riders Of The Lost Empire” (RoLE) released, 15 years after the last issue , issue 32 of the Rock’n Role diskmag! It can be downloaded at CSDb
As written on their homepage: “A PLATE OF GOOD ATTITUDE #18 HAS BEEN SERVED After a few hectic days of intense development and text editing Attitude #18 has been finally served to your tables. A disk magazine presented to you by TRIAD in a close cooperation with GENESIS PROJECT features long anticipated Propaganda First Release List and is simultaneously available…
Spread across 5 sides of pure 8-bit eye and ear candy! Featuring: – Vandalism News unveils the CSDb Plain PetSCII results! – Who is hot and who is not? The latest news, best demo reviews and most recent charts inside! – CSDb; Perff the founding father talks about what became one of the main pillars of today’s C64 scene! –…